Frequently Asked Questions

Some of the most asked questions answered.

What is contestable engineering?

Some electrical connection work (called ‘contestable services’) must only be done by an electrical professional who is an Accredited Service Provider (ASP). Examples include any work to design, construct or install assets that connect a customer’s installation to an electricity network. Customers may be required to fund some or all of the cost of contestable work and have the choice of selecting an ASP to carry out the work.

There are three types of contestable services for which ASPs require separate accreditation: These are: level 1 (ASP1); level 2 (ASP2) and level 3 (ASP3).

What do different types of work-levels refer to?

Level 1 work is carried out on low and high voltage distribution systems owned by supply authorities. This work can be either underground or overhead power line construction and include new installations, additions, removal or repair to components and associated equipment with all aspects of electrical infrastructure installed within streets, public areas or specifically designated easements.

Level 2 work is that where low voltage customers are connected to the network, via overhead or underground service connection, usually from the network found in the street to a property, building or structure. This can range from 100 – 400 amp and include supply and installation of main switchboards and electricity metres.

Level 3 work requires the skills of a engineer who can provide design services to clients for relocations, upgrades and new construction of overhead and underground electricity lines and distribution networks. Before it is possible to quote or construct you will require a certified Level 3 Authorised Service Provider design.

Why should I work with an organisation that is a Level 3 Accredited Service Provider (ASP3)?

Accredited Service Provider level 3 (ASP3) has been authorised to carry out design works and submit to the local electrical distributor in accordance with their standards and specifications. Design works are required any time you need to make any changes to the electrical distributor’s assets or connect to the assets which require modification and/or augmentation. The assets may be underground and/or overhead.

Which energy networks are Power Designs authorised to design on?

We are authorised to design contestable services on Endeavour Energy and Ausgrid networks. Chat to a member of our team to confirm if we can service you.

How long will design and certification take?

As each project is different, design and certification will be depended on the complexity and requirements of the project. Power Design will ensure your project progresses through the design and certification process as efficiently as possible.

How much does an ASP level 3 design cost?

As each project is different, design costs will be depended on the complexity and requirements of the project. For an accurate price on the variety of services we offer, contact us today to get a free quote.

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